
Ingredients for puff pastry:

  • 125g of T45 flour
  • 125g of T55 flour
  • 125 grams of water
  • 5g de sel
  • 175g AOP butter (for rolling)
    Ingredients for pastry cream:
  • 500g of whole milk
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 100g of sugar
  • 45g de maïzena
  • 1 scoop of vanilla
    Ingredients for decoration:
  • 250g of white fondant
  • 30g of pastry chocolate
  1. Prepare the puff pastry by mixing flour, water and salt. Insert the butter, then make the laps. Spread out and cut rectangles Bake at 200°C until golden brown. Let it cool down.
  2. Heat milk with vanilla seeds. Whip egg yolks with sugar and corn. Incorporate warm milk, then thicken over medium heat. Let it cool down.
  3. Assemble the millet leaf by alternating rectangles of puff pastry and pastry cream. Melt the white fondant and pour it on top of the millet. Draw lines with melted pastry chocolate.
  4. Refrigerate one hour before cutting and serving.
    Enjoy your meal!